Why You Need to Learn Oracle If want to Become Professional Database Developer?

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The database developer is a specialist who is engaged in the creation of databases, their debugging, upgrading, maintenance. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science. You can also become the professional database developer by joining the Oracle Training in Delhi today. Server databases store a lot of important information, so no company can operate without them.

Oracle Training Institute in Delhi
Oracle Training Institute in Delhi

When it is Important?

Often, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses turn to technical developers who know how to design a database, create it and ensure uninterrupted work. Representatives of this profession also accompany the established server database, engaging in its maintenance and modernization. Higher technical education is required to work in this area, as well as knowledge of the SQL query language, without which it is impossible to work in this area.

Features of the professions

  • Specialists who decide to link their lives with this profession, perform the following work:
  • Database design (choosing the right tools, analyzing the needs of the company’s system, etc.)
  • Ensuring effective use of the created database
  • Debugging and maintenance
  • Ensuring the security of data stored on the server
  • Analysis of complaints and suggestions of users, the elimination of errors
  • Advice for system administrators
  • Load analysis and update of the database engine

Collaboration with administrators, programmers and database architects

These specialists can order upgrades and subsequent maintenance of an existing database in order to improve its performance and security. On the shoulders of this employee, if the company does not have a system administrator, you can work with the team, during which he will conduct consultations, training, receive complaints. It is worth remembering that working with data is a huge responsibility. If a system crash or developer’s mistake causes loss of information, then the data owner may suffer huge losses. Representatives of this profession should be perfectly aware of their work, be able to quickly correct errors and be responsible in case the data is lost.


  • Average demand in the labor market.
  • Opportunity to develop, gain new knowledge, walk up the career ladder.
  • You can combine work with an adjacent specialty (administrator or database architect, etc.).
  • A good specialist will quickly find a job because every company needs to create, maintain and modify a database.
  • Decent wages and bonuses.
  • Full-time office work.
  • The normalized working day, but in the case of an emergency, the specialist’s working day lasts until it eliminates the failure.
  • If a specialist is trained in courses that issue an international certificate, he will be able to find a job or do an internship abroad.

Important personal qualities

The database developer should be distinguished by high responsibility, technical mentality, as well as the following important qualities – Analytical thinking, Punctuality, Multitasking, Attentiveness, Accuracy, The responsibility, Activity, etc.

Training for a database developer

A specialist should be able to control his work. Applicants can master this technical profession in higher education institutions, courses at universities or in private schools. For admission, the applicant must pass such items during the exam: math, physics or chemistry; English, but according to the requirements of the university; and compulsory Russian language and computer science.

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