What are the key factors driving the Global Meat Substitutes Market?
A meat substitute, also known as meat analogue is food that has a texture, flavour, taste and appearance similar to meat but does not contain meat.
Some people choose not to eat meat due to their religious beliefs while some do not eat because of dietary restrictions. Some people prefer not having meat since they find it unethical since they feel that slaughtering an animal solely to enjoy the taste of its meat is morally wrong. Thus the global meat substitutes market is currently experiencing a meteoric rise due to various factors.
The consumption of meat can cause various digestive problems like constipation or diarrhoea in some people. Also, studies have suggested that eating red meat can increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby increasing the risk of heart diseases and stroke. It has also been known to cause various gastrointestinal problems and other various chronic diseases. With the rise in obesity and the sedentary lifestyle diseases, doctors are recommending to avoid red meats in the diet.
Additionally, due to the high demand for meat in the world today, livestock farming is on the rise. All agricultural practices have been found to have a variety of effects on the environment and so does livestock farming. It contributes to land and water degradation and deforestation among various other serious environmental impacts. Livestock farming contributes between 14.5% & to 18% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions.
Furthermore, it is completely unnecessary to kill animals for meat. Animals are generally continuously exploited for their milk, eggs, other animal products, and when their bodies have worn out, they are transported to slaughterhouses. All their lives, they are kept in tiny dirty places, injected hormones to either to produce more milk or grow in size for more amount of meat.
The increasing consciousness of the people of these various aspects of the meat industry has led to the booming growth of the meat substitutes industry. There are various alternatives to meat available in the market, which not only provide the consumers with the same dietary benefits but also have similar taste, texture and appearance and is also much more sustainable.
Some of the popular meat substitutes include tofu, tempeh, seitan and textured vegetable protein (TVP). All these substitutes are rich in protein and fibre and generally are plant-based products, coming from the likes of soy or wheat. There are also certain whole foods such as lentils, chickpeas mushrooms and beans that have a meaty texture and can work well as meat substitutes and also provide an adequate amount of protein.
Meat substitutes are now easily available in the market due to the growing consciousness of the consumers and can be a healthy and ethical way to get protein and other nutrients without consuming meat. The global meat substitutes market is being driven by industrial growth and the improvements in the food industry and has been experiencing spectacular growth in recent years.
Summary: Due to the growing consciousness of the consumer regarding the environment and the cons of consuming red meat, the global meat substitutes market is expanding.
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