3 awesome examples of how gamification in the workplace is reshaping employee motivation

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Gamification is the idea of using game-based techniques to increase engagement in a non-gaming activity. Gamification makes reaching business goals fun and engaging. It fills the workplace with enthusiasm, teamwork and motivates employees to do extraordinary things. As you read further you will find out how Gamification in the workplace is truly reshaping employee motivation.

Motivating employees at a belief level is possible through gamification!

Every business faces day-to-day challenges. There is no escape from them, so why not find ways to make it enjoyable for all? Gamification adds a layer of competition to daily tasks, be it individually or in teams. This not only motivates employees but also increases productivity and makes the work more thrilling! Employees can actually say goodbye to Monday blues! With gamification, they start understanding the impact of their day-to-day work on the business goals and vision. This makes them believe in the value of their work.

Engage employees and motivate them to give their best with the following:-

1. Increase employee motivation through employee learning and development: There are big yields for businesses when proper learning and development is done. We need to deal with the skills deficiencies and fill these deficiencies by providing employees with the right knowledge.

Gamification solutions you can opt for –

M2OST: Content Creation, Aggregation & Distribution Platform

An innovative & eruptive mobile application based content platform that allows you to create, aggregate and distribute curated and customized content in a controlled environment. Motivating employees to learn new things will build self-confidence.

It is massively scalable & industry-agnostic — Dive into a pool of knowledge applicable to any industry.

Skillmuni Briefs: Engage yourself on the go with micro-learning!

Businesses can choose from diverse themes like — soccer, cricket, Bollywood and make the learning journey fun and enjoyable. Learning is quick by referring to short notes with cool text and video/image format. The learning is not limited to any roles, positions or functions. It is open to all!

2. Motivated employees perform better: Knowing where to improve and how to improve are two different things. Gamified business environments make it a riveting premise for businesses wanting to improve their employee performance, and motivated employees perform better, naturally!

Gamification solution you can opt for –

Coroebus: Game mechanics are integrated into a system to motivate participation, engagement, increase motivation, and loyalty. Coroebus uses the data-driven techniques that game designers use to engage players and applies them to non-game experiences to motivate actions that add value to your business. Coroebus uses KPIs, points, rewards as a measure to track progress. Players are ranked on leaderboards and every member wishes to see themselves on the leaderboard and motivates them to work harder.

3. Engaged employees at the workplace can engage in good values and behavior: Values and principles are beliefs that are held by people. Values are woven into human language, thought, and personality. We spend the maximum of our time at the workplace and we carry our values with us all the time. But how much do we actually do to reflect on them and develop them further?

Gamification solutions you can opt for –

SeTu: The Values Board Game!

SeTu takes inspiration from the ancient Indian game of Snakes & Ladders. The snakes constitute vices while the ladders are virtues! SeTu comes with a twist — karma cards, happiness barometer, and ying-yang squares to have a memorable experience. SeTu’s positive impact of learning builds motivation and you will be making memories, sharing fascinating stories. And most importantly incorporating values! This eco-friendly game is for everyone to have a go at — from young kids to business savvy teams!

So are you ready to gamify your workplace? We would love to know your thoughts!

Reach us at — http://www.thegamificationcompany.com/contact-us/

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