Which Platform is Better Android or iOS?

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If you’re building an app, developing for iOS or Android is one of your first decisions. The goal might be to release on both platforms, but building apps for iOS and Android at the same time is risky and expensive. Instead, most developers choose to build an app for one platform later and then run the app on another if the first version of the app is set up and successful. This article will help you in choosing the best Android app development or iOS app development.

Android App Development vs iOS App Development


The audience is an important factor in choosing a platform on which to build your first application. In the world, more people use Android devices than iOS devices. This means that more people will find your application useful, especially when troubleshooting critical issues. There are about 3.5 million apps in the Google Play Store and 2.2 million apps in the Apple App Store, so if you go for Android app development, the competition for apps will be more intense than when you build an iOS app. Android is also gaining popularity in low-income and developing countries, and iOS users tend to live in North America and Western Europe. iOS users are generally younger with higher incomes and higher levels of education.


Do you want your app not only popular, but also profitable? Everybody wants! Android app development has a bigger pie slice, you might think there’s a bigger income too. And that’s where you are wrong. Its net sales have increased by 82%, but still smaller than iOS which is 6% higher last year. The difference is clear. Half of the users made almost 64% more revenue on the Apple App Store.


Android may have more app downloads than iOS. Perhaps the Android to iOS app revenue comparison may seem more attractive, but the point is that the Android app is making more money from advertising. More downloads mean more users. More users increase your ad revenue.

Market share

As we all know, the only manufacturer producing devices for iOS is Apple. But there are numerous large companies that make devices for Android. This competition lowers prices, leading to a market full of cheap Android phones, tablets, and other gadgets. With the low price, Android app development took the largest share in the market. Around 75% of people worldwide use Android and only 19% use iOS. Android is no doubt the winner. We’re only starting this Android development and iOS battle, so don’t make hasty decisions!

Ultimately, the decision to build for iOS or Android is decided for your business. Where your audience lives, who you are, what features you want, and the budget will determine whether you need to build a business app for Android or iOS. If you need to build a minimal viable product quickly and inexpensively, iOS is a good choice. Similarly, if you want to make money with an app or create an e-commerce app, take a look at iOS. However, Android is best if you’re targeting global or emerging markets, especially Asia and America, or if your app includes features that Apple doesn’t support. Go with the best according to your requirement or you can take the help of the best mobile app development service provider in the selection.

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