Different ways to use Google Analytics to boost your Digital marketing

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Digital Marketing


The introduction of social media has changed the concept of marketing around the world. This allowed brands to boldly get into the public mind with smart and engaging content. The idea of ​​platforms that support free publishing and the creation of creative content has created a niche for itself. This is called digital marketing. Digital marketing covers not only social networks but also all forms of online content published on digital media. As brands realize their importance, they turn to digital marketing companies that provide them with different types of services. One of them is the use of google analytics to measure the performance of a business in digital form.

As per expert Digital Marketing Company, Analytics uses several metrics to measure this. These measures generally vary from platform to platform. However, the most popular platform for marketers is Google Analytics. This has become a tool to demonstrate the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign. From analyzing traffic on a site to counting impressions on social networks, Google Analytics provides valuable information based on the data it analyzes. However, you may not feel lost in Google Analytics if you don’t know which tools are right for you. The question, therefore, arises:

How to use Google Analytics to boost marketing efforts? 


Traffic channels

The very first thing is to measure brands in the online user experience. The number of visitors visits your website daily? Where do these users come from? The reason behind the visit? You can answer these questions using tools such as Google Analytics. As per the Digital Marketing expert team, here are some options to watch out for:

  • Organic: If your site can generate significant traffic, the ranking of your site’s search results page (SERP) is high. This indicates that the SEO strategy has been implemented.
  • Social networks: strategic messages on social networks can redirect traffic to your site. The more subscribers there are on social networks, the more they redirect traffic.
  • Email: Generating traffic from the links included in the email is a standard tool for marketing experts.
  • Paid search. This is useful for tracking pay-per-click campaigns to increase site traffic, as well as finding potential customers. You can link your AdWord campaign to Google Analytics via the acquisition card.
  • Referrals: When a user clicks on a link to your site on another site, it indicates referral traffic. You can find these options in the Data Collection Channels report.
Site content

When they visit your site, users navigate through different pages, such as a service or product page, etc. The purpose of visiting these pages varies from user to user. Using Google Analytics, you can measure how long these users stay on a particular page or the number of additional pages they view.  Overall this will help you analyze the effectiveness of your site’s content, which is very important if you want your site to be at the top of Google’s search results. The analysis is carried out by studying various types of pages.

  • Homepage: The landing page gives you an idea of ​​the conversion rate of your site. This is because this page is a launching pad for the user to navigate between the various pages. If the user completes the planned trip, the page that started the trip is approved for the user’s conversion. Therefore, it gives an idea of ​​how important it is for the user to appreciate the landing page on the website in order to ensure pleasant interaction with the user.
  • Logout page – The logout page is the place where the user leaves the site. This may be because they completed the conversion or viewed the site. Google Analytics helps you track and analyze the path of your user.
  • All Pages: All pages provide data on the pages viewed for any date and length. You can access the data for a week, a month or a year.
Check your audience

Google Analytics helps you monitor your audience by monitoring users of your site for a week, a month or a year. These users are divided into specific groups (groups of people) based on characteristics and interests. This will help you isolate them and analyze their behavior. The behavior can be an interest in a service or a purchase of a product. This allows you to define your benefits for users and consequently create your own marketing strategy.

A market strategy should be developed taking into account the main demographic factors. Knowing demographics helps organize good content. For example, if one of your products or services is very popular in a particular demographic group, you are promoting this service or product to your target audience. As per the professional Digital Marketing Company, This is one of the ways Google Analytics helps you create a detailed marketing strategy.

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