Four inexpensive ways to rejuvenate your living room

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A living room is one of the most important areas in any house and is also where you’ll likely end up spending the most time. We use these rooms for everything from entertaining to relaxing, watching TV, playing games and interacting as a family.

However, with so much time spent in this important space, we can often tire of familiarity, and even the best-designed living room needs a little TLC once in a while. Here are four great ideas for breathing life back into your living room without breaking the bank or committing to substantial work.

Try rearranging the furniture – or even buy some new items

One of the easiest and cheapest options you could try to give your living space an entirely fresh look and feel is simply to rearrange the furniture. Rather than following the tried and tested formula of the sofa against one wall, TV against the other and perhaps a coffee table in the middle, try something completely new.

Moving your sofa to the center of a room can provide an entirely different focal point. Even just mixing-up the placement of familiar items will make for an altogether different look in your room (e.g. tables, lamps, etc.). If your flat-screen TV is on a stand, perhaps try hanging it on a wall instead to make it the center of attention.

Alternatively, you could also think about buying less traditional items of furniture to give a thoroughly different ambiance to your room. Comfy Sack produces a whole range of innovative beanbag furniture which will give a thoroughly modern look to your room while also offering great comfort.

Add some artwork, paintings or photos

Instead of just making the TV the dominant feature in your space, think about adding some artwork to give a more balanced feel to the room. Paintings and artwork are a great way to interrupt spartan walls and provide a homely feel while also expressing your own tastes and sense of style. Also, if you’re of an artistic persuasion, why not think about having your art or photos printed and hanging them on the wall to make the ultimate personal statement? Landscape shots, intimate photos or family portraits personalize a home allowing you to stamp your own identity across your space.

Buy some houseplants

Plants are a great way to add color and life at very little cost. Contrary to what many people think, houseplants need not constitute a lot of work and often require just simple regular watering. If appropriate, be sure to buy child or pet-friendly plants to avoid potential problems further down the line.

Don your DIY hat and do some painting

Perhaps more than any other feature, the color of a room’s walls affects its mood, tone and atmosphere. Warm colors will evoke similar feelings of comfort, while plain whites or creams can inspire a minimalist look. If the idea of painting your entire living room sounds like a bit too much work, try adding a feature wall instead to bring focus to one area of your room and provide the ultimate contrast.

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