Get rid of dark black lips in three weeks with these 5 easy ways

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Get rid of dark black lips in three weeks with these 5 easy ways

The beauty of the face matters to everyone. Any change in your eyes, your lips and the skin of your face causes problems for you. Especially girls are very upset about this if anything changes on their face.

The main attraction of our face is eyes and lips. Every girl desires soft and pink lips. You look attractive with light pink lips and not only that it proves that you are healthy inside. Cracked and dark lips spoil your attraction. Not only this, it is a big problem for girls. Who would like the lips to be black or dark colored? In such a situation, girls are also reluctant to get out of the house. They think that whenever someone talks about their face, they might not like it and you will become a joke among them. In India, many people give you face to face, maybe you can feel bad about that. Surely it hurts your confidence.

But it is not as if there is a problem and you do not have a solution. You can find answers to questions like how to get pink lips with many home remedies.

There is no doubt – pink lips are the hallmark of your beauty and you want to lighten your dark dark lips to look good in front of men.

Now the question arises that how to get pink lips?

For this we have many home remedies for you, which if you use daily, you will get rid of dark lips soon.

Cause your lips to darken
Exposure to sunlight may be the reason behind your dark lips. Apart from this, low quality lipstick, tobacco, excessive smoking and high caffeine intake can also cause this problem. Sometimes hormone imbalance also causes this problem.

It is better that you try to understand your problem first. If you use tobacco products or inexpensive lipsticks, change this habit immediately. The rest, if this problem is coming up due to any medical reasons, then you can also seek the advice of a doctor.

Apart from this, as we told you, through some natural remedies, you can also make deep lips pink.

Honey-sugar scrub
Sugar contains glycolic acid which protects your skin from toxins. Apart from this, honey is a natural thing that provides moisture to your lips. Exfoliated inside it hydrates the lips, which lightens your dark skin. To make this scrub, you have to mix equal quantity of honey in 1 bowl with 1 tbsp of brown. After this mixture is ready, massage it gently on your lips for 1 minute. Now let it remain like this for a while and then take it. Do this 2 to 3 times a week, you will see good results in a few days.

Pomegranate and Milk
Pomegranate is best for pigmented lips because a compound called almanac, which is found inside it, inhibits the production of melanin. Peel 1 pomegranate and remove the grains from it and grind the seeds together with a little milk cream. After this, apply this mixture on your lips and after 20 minutes, wash it with cold water. By adopting this method every day, the difference will start appearing on the lips in a few days.

Lemon and Almond Oil
Lemon is a natural bleach that works to lighten your dark skin. In addition, almond oil softens dry lips and hydrates them from inside. Add an equal quantity of lemon juice to 1 tablespoon almond oil and apply it well on your lips. After 20 minutes you can also dry your lips or allow it to remain on your lips all night. By doing this method daily, your lips will turn light pink in 3 to 4 weeks.

beetroot juice
Beet juice has been the most effective recipe for pink lips for years. It is such a fruit that eating it makes your cheeks pink as well and applying them on the lips in a very short time turns them from dark black to pink. Mixing lemon juice in equal amount of mara in the juice of chakundar and applying it daily at night relieves black lips in 1 to 2 weeks.

Lemon and Sugar
This is the easiest and natural recipe to make black lips pink. You have to mix 1 teaspoon of sugar and lemon juice and massage it with light hands on your lips. The antioxidant properties present in the lemon juice act to relieve dark dark lips. You must do it 1 time in 2 days, soon you will see good results.

These are some home remedies that you can use to get rid of the problem like how to get pink lips. Avoid using lip balms available in the market as they contain a lot of chemicals. If your lips are dry then use almond oil, cream or honey instead of using a lip balm. Remember that you do not press the lips repeatedly, some people are used to this thing. This habit also causes the lips to turn black.

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