How Lawyers For Identity Theft Victims Provide Assistance

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Identity theft victims can occur in several ways and regardless of the method, the consequences are similar. Someone who steals your identity mishandles the information resulting in a serious impact on your personal sources and reputation. One of the commonest questions that arise when you are a victim of identity theft is whether you need a lawyer or not, the truth is that you need legal representation for the case as it can affect different areas of your life. Believe it or not, some of these areas are pretty tricky to handle than the rest of the cases. However, the flip side is that most of the legal services of handling these cases target the bank accounts, credit cards, finances and loans. Survey shows that financial identity thefts account for a majority of the cases and the scenario has stayed consistent for a number of years.

Of the different types of identity theft victims cases, financial identity theft cases are easy to resolve. As a victim of this case, you can manage the calls yourself. Even if the time to devote may cause the victims a number of business hours, they must pursue the case and take significant time off from the business to handle the phone calls.

Dealing with the problems without legal help

Despite the existence of laws, you may need to talk to lawyers for identity theft victims to make it easy for the businesses to provide the records needed for the case. Without having an attorney, the businesses know that you cannot force them to comply with your demands. Some of them are going to take the chances most of the time. When you need to force the business to provide the information you need to locate the person responsible for the identity theft, you must get the assistance of the lawyer. Several states need the victims of these cases to follow a legal procedure. Whether it is the social security administration or the food stamp offices, you have to push through the red flags. There is no doubt that you need a guide to push you through the difficulties at every stage.

Identity theft and causes

Identity theft can occur in a multitude of ways and one of the commonest causes is the retrieval of the pre-approved notifications for credit and submitting the information without the knowledge of the recipient. Mail fraud can also be categorized as a case of identity theft in which the person steals information from the mail and redirects the entire information to some other location. Stealing information electronically leads to the theft of information and infecting the computer to force open the spam mail.

Helping the defendants

For the defendants, the charge of identity theft can be serious as the person may be charged with the federal identity theft laws most of which carry a host of criminal penalties. Several states follow their own laws. Therefore, the individuals charged with this kind of crime can talk to fraud defense lawyers for handling the case and get their opinions to protect their rights.

The defendants not only use the services of a criminal lawyer in Marietta GA, but also seek legal representation other than the public defenders as they are busy and cannot devote much time to the case. When it comes to the private attorney, the recommendations they make assist the defendants such as not speaking to the law enforcement without their assistance. In addition to this, the attorney can also make the plea agreement effective for minimizing the criminal exposure of the defendant with other remedies. When the case goes to trial, the attorney supports the defendant with the assertion of relevant defenses.

Assistance for the victim

When an individual becomes a victim of identity theft, the state needs to represent their interests through criminal charges with the help of the prosecutor. On the other hand, the victim can also decide to retain a private counsel to move a civil lawsuit. Such a step can be taken when the state does not bring any charges against the defendant or the victim decides to move the case through the civil methods. The attorney can also help in rectifying the credit information or to handle the impact of the illegal acts.

Process of notification

Dealing with a case of identity theft victims can strain you beyond expectations. The help of an attorney becomes essential in the following areas.

An attorney can maintain a list of all the contacts and the expenses incurred.

The victim may have to submit an affidavit while notifying the banks and it is an attorney who assists in drafting those agreements.

The law practitioner can also prepare a subpoena or letter for procuring the records from the other agencies and the creditors to assist in criminal prosecution or execute the civil suit. This kind of information lead the investigators to the maker of the crime.

The lawyer can also explain the victim their rights

Things to know

Often, the person responsible for the theft victims is not the only person accountable to the incident. There are other entities or individuals that may have access to the stolen information and they can also be considered responsible for the act. Several other entities such as the credit card agencies and the banks that process the fraudulent transaction of the identity thieves can also be held responsible towards the theory of negligence.

Whether you are a victim of identity theft victims or an identity thief, both can seek the help of legal practitioners to move the case.

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