Do I have to install everything from Microsoft Update?

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When I add or remove programs, I see dozens of updates for MS Office 2007 and MS Office 2010. There are none of these products on my computer. Can these updates be removed safely? This question can be addressed to someone. If you have no reason to believe they are a problem, I would not. In this article we will discuss this problem.

The problem, as well as the software involved, is complex: “Microsoft Update” is an extension of Windows Update (a program included with Windows) that extends the scope of the update process to all Microsoft products, not just Windows. This simply adds Microsoft Office to the list of software to update.

Although it seems simple, buy Microsoft Office for pc is quite complex software. The update process can be almost as complicated as updating the operating system.

Here you will find information about Windows Update and Microsoft Update.

The software you installed and the updates you already installed for this software are in inventory. Check the Microsoft Update service to see if there are more recent updates for the software you are installing.

Download and install the updates you deem necessary. Again, the concept is quite simple. In practice, the number of different configurations, as well as the interactions and dependencies between the installed software, can be a very complicated process.

The important thing to remember is this: Microsoft Update is working hard to provide you with the updates you need and only the ones you need.

Microsoft Update installs updates that it did not need
This means that an update installed by Microsoft Update was required at the time of the update.

Even if you didn’t recognize it. This can happen in many cases. The most common are the dependencies that you have not recognized.

You can receive updates for Internet Explorer even if you disable it or do not use it because Internet Explorer components are used by other Microsoft software, including Windows.

You may receive updates from libraries and runtime components that you have not heard of, such as: B. .NET Framework, because applications installed on your computer may be using them. This may include several different versions of the .NET Framework and software from many different sources, not just Microsoft.

You can receive updates for Microsoft Office even if you have not installed them, often because you have installed something, such as a computer. For example, the Word or PowerPoint document viewer based on the main Microsoft Office software.

Each of these and other elements may be required by other software installed on your computer. Updates can be left after uninstallation

Why do some updates appear as installed, even if you know you don’t need them? Here is a scenario:

A program is installed on your computer. Microsoft Update updates this program or the components used by this program. Uninstall the program.

The problem here is that uninstalling the program cannot uninstall previously installed updates. Theoretically, it should be possible to uninstall updates that directly concern only this product. However, problems can occur quickly if updates can be shared by other products that may or may not have been installed.

Don’t try to guess Microsoft Update
In terms of system stability, it is better to leave something in case you need it than to eliminate something for which you hope it is not.

And that is my recommendation. Software engineers have worked hard on Microsoft Update and on software installation programs. We can assume that they are doing what is good or at least as safe in their work.

If we uninstall the updates manually because we believe they are no longer necessary, we say in a sense that we know more about the update and installation process. It simply is not a safe assumption. Even if we are right, the benefits in terms of storage space, reduced complexity or system performance will be so low that they will go unnoticed.

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