Low Cost of Live Event Broadcasting for Corporate

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Live streaming has been an asset not only for brands but corporates are even benefiting from the same. It helps corporate to conduct business meetings around the world while sipping tea at your comfy place, saving you from the hassle of traveling. 

But when a corporate plan for a live event webcasting, pricing of live event broadcasting plays a crucial role. Several factors are responsible for calculating the price of live event webcasting. High or low cost of Live streaming event entirely depends on the complexity, duration and the services you opt to live stream your event.

It can be a challenging task for any corporate to deliver high-quality video content with a low cost of Live streaming events. Not to worry, we are here to assist you with corporate live event broadcasting in your budget. To stream live some basic equipment are necessary to live stream your event successfully. Apart from the equipment and the purpose of live event webcasting, selecting the right live streaming platform is a must. Nowadays, a wide range of live streaming platform allows you to Live stream your event free of cost. Apart from Live streaming platforms that do not require any cost, many corporates opt for professional live streaming services that deliver high-quality video content. To plan a low-cost Live streaming event, understanding the pricing factors of live streaming from the beginning is a must. It will help you in selecting the best live streaming services suiting the needs and demands of your business.

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Factors responsible for calculating live streaming pricing

If we talk about calculating the price of live streaming events, it depends on several different factors starting from complexity, duration, equipment to selecting the best live streaming service as per business needs. 

1. The complexity of your live stream

The cost of live streaming increases enormously if live event broadcasting of your event is complex. When a live stream is complex it requires multiple audio and video equipment which thereby increases the price of live streaming. Complex live streams are technically feasible and are more expensive when compared to a simple live stream. As complex live streams have several locations that are part of the single event and signals from all the locations are delivered to the main location. Whereas a simple live stream can be broadcasted even from a smartphone which can be done in a lower budget.

2. Duration of the live event broadcasting

The duration of your live event broadcasting plays a crucial role in calculating the budget of your stream. The longer the stream, the higher the budget will be. Cost of the venue, bandwidth and the staff all are counted depending upon the time duration you live stream your event. 

A live stream that lasts for a longer duration requires production-grade equipment and more bandwidth which is responsible for increasing the cost of live event webcasting. You can cut short the duration of the live event broadcasting as per your budget, which will reduce the cost of bandwidth, thereby resulting in a low-cost live event broadcasting.

3. Type of equipment used in live streaming

Everyone is well aware of the fact, the more advanced the live streaming equipment, the higher the cost will be. When you plan to live stream your event, that looks professional and should deliver tremendous results, more professional equipment is required, thereby incurring a greater cost. The quality of equipment can solely be responsible for affecting the cost of live event webcasting. When you decide on a budget before you plan to Live stream your event, considering the type of equipment that will be used in the live streaming is a must. It will affect the cost of your event. For a low cost of Live streaming event, you can opt for broadcast-quality video gear, which is quite affordable and deliver great results. 

4. Live streaming services

Live streaming services that you opt to Live stream your event is the major category responsible for increasing the cost of Live stream. Selecting free live streaming networks is not a great idea for conducting business events as it consists of bulks of ads. If you opt for paid live streaming services for an add free streaming, the budget of your live event webcasting will go up. You can opt for a  professional-grade streaming platform that is affordable and fits in your budget. It does not require heavy sums of money and delivers excellent results.  

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Why free live streaming platforms are not suitable for corporate events?

live streaming platforms

Some of you must have thought about why to select professional live streaming services that are paid when there is an option for free live streaming platforms. But for professionals and corporates, free live streaming services aren’t suitable and does not serve the purpose. First of all, the major downfall of Free live streaming is it will not make your live event broadcasting look professional as it comes with a large number of ads. A professional live stream should be buzz free as well as ad free to get optimal results. Free live streaming platforms benefits by monetizing all the video content. They allow your video content to appear next to the ads from competitors and so on. Many businesses, schools, universities, and other institutions have completely blocked access to free platforms like Youtube, which will restrict your live event broadcasting to reach your potential audience as they might not be able to access it.

Sometimes free live streaming platforms do not provide professional-grade tools and settings for security and monetization, which is a must for any professional live event webcasting. There are many benefits of selecting professional live streaming services, deciding the budget entirely depends on you by considering the factors that affect the budget of live streaming.

We have discussed various factors that are responsible for incurring the cost of live event webcasting. A strategic approach and selecting the right option will help you Live stream your event at a low cost that suits your budget. If you have not yet thought about it, now is the time to plan your next corporate live event webcasting that suits your pocket. 

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