6 Ways To Make Any Family Gathering A Special Day To Remember

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Well, time is running by, and life is passing at lightning speed, and there is nothing we can do to slow it down. Such is the demand of lifestyle, work, daily routine that hardly there is time to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment. When such a busy life is embellished with certain occasions which require the entire family to get together and enjoy each other’s company, it’s worth savouring it. It could be someone’s  Birthday Cake For Kids, a family wedding, an anniversary or just the annual picnic, this get together brings loads of fun conversation with it, and you can add a little more zest to the day with a few tricks. Here are a few suggestions to pick from or to get you started.

  1. Midnight Story Time

This activity is similar to what you see in movies with a slight difference. Instead of a jungle, you could do it in any room of your house. Get together and one by one start telling a story that feels could make the crowd laugh or harness their undivided attention for the minutes. These stories will bring all of you together, and when paired with comments from others who have been in a similar situation, it will make for a hilarious dose of the day.

  1. Enjoy A Cake Together

Although, every celebration calls for a flavoursome cake that melts in the mouth. You could induce a celebratory mood into an ordinary day by opting for cake delivery in Meerut, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and any other city of the country where your family lives. The family that enjoys a cake together stays together and has loads of fun relishing every slice of a freshly baked dessert.

  1. Click With A Polaroid

Instead of draining phone batteries with many photographs, try to click with Polaroid cameras which will be more fun than other means. These Polaroids can be used later to create a photo album and send a copy to everyone as a memoir. If you wish to take it a notch above, you can structure a photo booth in any corner of the house and let everyone have fun.

  1. Family Trivia Game

Everyone will love to indulge in this game and have a hearty laugh. Make categories like marriage, sibling, friendship, love and pick a pair to answer questions about each other. You can put your spin to the games and convert it to “Never Have I Ever” game or draft questions accordingly. If you are not sure what to ask, take help of the internet and create an evening to remember.

  1. Plan A Treasure Hunt

It might take elaborate planning, but it will be worth it. Hide the clues in different areas of the house and let the participating pairs go through one clue to another to bag the ultimate prize and the coveted title. You could make the clues in the form of poetry, a song or base it on the general trivia. Your family will love you as a host. After all, you know how to make everyone have fun.

  1. Do Not Forget The Food

What’s a celebration without finger-licking food that makes everyone sing a song in their heart. If you are hosting a family gathering, pay special attention to this detail. Book a local caterer so you don’t have to miss all the fun while cooking in the kitchen and make sure to include a little of everyone’s choice. You will be appreciated for a long time to come for the yummylicious delicacies.

A little effort from your end could bring the whole family together.    Plan these gathering more often than once a year. What’s life for if not for sweet family love.

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