The Do’s & Don’ts of Travelling to Krabi

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Krabi is a fascinating Thailand destination which boasts spectacular coastlines, vibrant cultures, delightful culinary experiences and endless leisure options. This tropical hotspot also offers a plethora of attractions and experiences, including shopping malls, incredible architecture, exotic flora and fauna and a happening night scene. We have put together a list of some do’s and don’ts on your visit to Krabi.

Show Respect to Monks

As monks hold a high status in Thai culture, it’s customary in Thailand to treat them with the highest respect and allow them to eat first at gatherings and functions. When they enter a worship area, you should stand up and wait until they have finished their prostrations. Women are not allowed to touch them, brush their robes or hand something to them.

Remove Your Shoes

and learn about some unique cultural rituals and traditions in this charming city. It’s essential in the immersive city of Krabi to take off your shoes before visiting someone’s home. When you discover a pile of shoes at the entrance of some restaurants, bars and shops, make sure you remove your shoes before entering.

Dress Properly

Wearing revealing clothes such as tight stretch pants, short skirts and vest tops in Krabi goes against the local customs. So dress properly with your shoulders and knees covered. Before stepping inside any Thai temple, mute your mobile phone and remove headphones, hats and sunglasses. It’s also advisable to cover your religious tattoos, especially those with Buddhist images.

Mind the Weather

Storms are a common phenomenon in Krabi. Here you can also experience catastrophic ocean waves sometimes reaching heights of over 100ft. So you must read sign posts at beaches which describe the detailed evacuation route in case any tsunami occurs. Furthermore, we advise that you keep a mosquito spray and rain coat with you while walking and hiking in Krabi.

Don’t Touch Someone’s Head

The head being the most sacred part of the human body, touching someone’s head or ruffling hair in Krabi is considered disrespectful. Don’t attempt to pat even the heads of children. You should also avoid raising your feet above someone’s head or stepping over people who are sleeping on the ground.

Don’t be Overly Affectionate in Public

When people are in love, they usually indulge in the public display of affection. Secure cheap flights to Krabi from India and look forward to visiting this conservative city where too much hugging and kissing in public areas could be a red flag. So always remember that there is a fine line that you should not cross in public in Krabi.

Don’t Disrespect The Thai King

The King of Thailand and his family members are considered as the living embodiment of the country. So you should never show disrespect to the Thai royal family as it can land you in prison. The picture of the Thai King also appears on the Thai currency, so treat notes and coins with respect and don’t crumble them.

This tropical hotspot also offers a plethora of attractions and experiences, including shopping malls, incredible architecture, exotic flora and fauna and a happening night scene. We have put together a list of some do’s and don’ts on your visit to Krabi.


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