Top 9 Reasons Why It’s Time to Upgrade to a Ride on Floor Sweeper

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Having a floor sweeper is great. It is easy to handle, works perfectly, and costs less on maintenance. However, if you are growing and expanding your business, other things tend to expand as well. Very quickly, a four-hour effort can develop into an eight-hour task. In some cases, that would even require adding more people to your cleaning stuff. All that just for cleaning purposes.

The issue here is how to approach this expansion and address the new situation with the increased need for cleaning.

So, the best way to address this issue is not by hiring more workforce and buying them floor sweepers, but upgrading to a ride-on floor sweeper. Buying one is no small investment, but often, it makes perfect sense and can be the best possible solution. Here are a few sure hints that a ride-on floor sweeper can keep your floors clean and work-ready.

#1 Your cleaning crew can’t keep up

Ride on floor sweepers can significantly speed up the cleaning process. They are fast, and they can cover a lot of ground over a short period. Bringing one into the fold can provide immediate relief to your cleaning crew. Just one ride on floor sweeper can replace at least three people with push on floor sweepers. That makes buying such a machine cost-effective. That’s one machine for the wages of three people.

#2 Planned expansion

Growing is a big part of every successful business; you start small and walk your way up. For most companies, that means bigger facilities, thus more floors to clean. If that happens, then the only logical thing to do is to add some heavy machinery to take care of your floors. If you can afford the expansion and bigger premises, then you should be able to afford a bigger and better floor sweeper.

#3 Save money and time

A worker with a ride-on floor sweeper can be a couple of times faster than a few workers that only have manual floor sweepers. The logic here is that one person on a machine can do the job on their own; you don’t need the others. Or you can send them to do something else. In each case, it is a win-win situation for the business.

#4 To increase productivity

A floor filled with debris and garbage can reduce the ability of your employees to move around fast.

On the other hand, if the floor is always clean, they can freely move around without worrying about whether they can trip on something and hurt themselves. Plus, if someone gets tripped on some debris on the floor, you might be losing a good worker for a long time.

#5 Comply with safety regulations

In many states, a dirty floor can be a safety regulation issue. If you have a safety inspector on your premises, he can write you a fine just because your floors don’t meet the necessary safety regulations. Regular cleaning can mitigate that risk. A ride on floor sweeper is perfect because it gets the job done effectively, and is so fast that it can clean floors while your workers are on their lunch break or in between shifts.

#6 No license needed to operate a ride on floor sweeper

A quick demonstration and going through the user manual is all it takes to learn how to use a ride-on floor sweeper. There is no need to own any license or anything like that.

That means it is not needed to send one or few of your workers to go through some training for which you will need to pay from the company budget.

#7 High standards of cleaning

Pivoting into producing other products can sometimes mean you need to keep your premises as clean as possible. A ride on floor sweeper is the perfect machine to help you keep your floor up to those standards.

#8 You need to buy a new floor sweeper (why not make a ride on floor sweeper)

Well, if you need a new one, why not go all the way and get one that doesn’t require any pushing. The ride on floor sweepers has many advantages over their smaller counterparts. If your company can afford it, why not make the cleaning process much faster and much more efficient.

#9 You want to send the right message to your clients and business partners

A perfectly cleaned floor can be best achieved fast with a ride-on floor sweeper. Whenever a potential client or a business partner enters your premises, the first thing they see is your floor. If it is clean and tidy, their opinion of your business will be much more positive than if it is full of debris and dirt.

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