Top Most Popular Big Data Certifications You Must Watch Out in 2020

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Big data, big business. Multiple organizations are investing huge amounts in big data and are digging into data analysis, storage, and trendspotting at heights, unlike anything we’ve seen before.

But 2020 is knocking on our doors. With the passing of another year, the demand for data professionals does not seem to cease. At the top of the lists, data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, and big data professionals having skills in R, Python, and SQL would be widely sought after.

Being a big data professional, it holds a wider significance for employers to choose you other than other professionals without skills.

To stay in the future technology bandwagon, many tech professionals are now jumping onto earning big data certifications to demonstrate their big data skills to employers.

To make your 2020 bright and insightful, here is a list of some of the most renowned top big data certifications for the coming year.

Vendor Big Data Certifications

  • The Senior Big Data Engineer (SBDETM) certification by Data Science Council of America

The SBDETM certification program offered by DASCA lines up to be one of the most popular certification programs worldwide. DASCA being vendor-neutral and third-party certification is one of the robust certification bodies that is widely recognized.

Since the coursework is in constant alignment with the latest skillsets according to the industry trends, it acts as a bridge between the candidate and employers. As a result, DASCA is one of the leading players in the big data realm.

University Big Data Certifications

  • Columbia University’s Certification of Professional Achievement in Data Sciences (CPADS)

Offered by Columbia University, the CPADS program equips students by helping them develop foundational data science skills. However, the prerequisite for this program includes having an undergraduate degree, in-depth knowledge in linear algebra, calculus, and computer programming. Besides this, the candidate must have grounding skills in statistics, probability, machine learning, and data visualization.

Independent Big Data Certifications

  • Certified Analytics Professional (CAP)

The Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) certification program is ideal for professionals looking for vendor independence. Taking up the program helps you build models, solve analytical problems, build model lifecycle management, and implement analytics in the enterprise domain.

Certified big data professionals are huge in demand. Having said that, multiple organizations have streamlined their hiring process by ensuring they hire candidates with the latest data skills.

Big data is indispensable for companies that are looking to derive meaningful insights for their businesses. While we’re now experiencing the fact that every company is now morphing itself into a software organization. Almost 90% of data has been created in the past two years, thus, the organization has a large amount of data that is yet to be analyzed.

Based on your requirements, you may choose from any one of the above-mentioned programs to take your career to the next level.

Big data no wonder is already changing the spectrum of how people are working. There would always be a demand for professionals with analytical skills. Companies are keen on investing huge amounts of money to hire the right talent.

The big data trend is growing today and the range of data certifications is rapidly mushrooming.

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