What Are The Conditions In Which One Can Face New Zealand Deportation?

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If you are proven to be remaining in New Zealand illegally, you must leave the nation immediately. If you haven’t left freely, you may be deported after a specified period of time.

For Temporary Residents – 

You may be deported from New Zealand if you have a temporary visa for the following reasons:

  • Violation of visa terms (Take, for example, working while on a guest visa.)
  • Withholding information from Immigration New Zealand and having it discovered that you did so when you filed for your visa
  • Using a fictitious name when applying for your present visa
  • If your circumstance no longer fulfils the criteria or conditions that were used to issue your visa,
  • Having been convicted of a crime.
  • Problems with “character” or other related situations. If Immigration New Zealand finds sufficient grounds for removal, including parts of your character, you will be deported.
  • Immigration New Zealand made an “administrative mistake.” One of these is awarding you a visa by mistake. (For example, if you were earlier rejected a visa due to a criminal background.)

For Permanent Residents – 

​You might get your New Zealand deportation papers if you have a resident visa or a permanent residence visa for the following reasons:

  • Suppose Immigration New Zealand commits an “administrative error” in awarding your visa. In that case, they may have ignored a criminal charge you may have committed or anything similar, and you may be a chevalier.
  • If you’re a threat to New Zealand’s defence or security, such as if you belong to a terrorism group, espionage, or an organized criminal organization
  • If Immigration New Zealand appeals, immigration decision-makers discover that you provided false, fraudulent, falsified, or misleading information while applying for your visa or that you withheld crucial information, you will be deported.
  • If you are using a fictitious identity to get a visa,
  • If Immigration Additional Zealand learns new evidence about your “character” within five years of your initial resident visa, they believe you would have been denied the first time you applied.
  • If you’ve broken any of your visa’s terms
  • Being found guilty of a crime in New Zealand or another country. However, only if- 
  • You committed the offense while you were in New Zealand illegally. 
  • You might have been sentenced to three months or more when you had an expired temporary visa–or within the first two years of your residency.

For Refugee Residents – 

If you’ve been recognized as a refugee, you may only be deported if 

  • You’ve committed extremely severe crimes or threatened New Zealand’s national security or very serious crimes or threatened New Zealand’s national security.
  • It has been revoked because you got your refugee status by deception or forgery.

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