What Do Family Lawyers Do and on What Matters Can They Help You.

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Family law is a legal practice area that emphases on issues involving family relationships, such as adoption, divorce and child custody between others. The different Family Lawyers practicing family law can characterize clients in family court proceedings or in related debates and can also draft essential legal documents such as court petitions and property agreements. This is a very worrying and fatigue giving situation for any parent and so make sure you visit a finest and experience Arlington Family Law Attorney in this field rather than fighting it by yourself and depressing yourself even more.

Learn more about the matters and cases the Attorney routinely handle:


If you are planning an uncontested or contested divorce in Texas or if your spouse is considering a divorce, you can turn to us for answers to your questions. The Law Office of Andy Nguyen, PLLC provide knowledgeable and experienced representation in Texas divorce cases.

Division of Property

Texas is a community property state and divorce law boundaries property in half. This may seem straightforward, but it can be a complex process. Arlington Family Law Attorney can guide you through it, no matter how simple or compound the assets involved.

Child Custody

We represent parents in child custody matters related to divorce, modification and enforcement of current court orders.

Child Support

Determining child support can be a difficult calculation. We can help determine child support in a divorce or paternity problem. We can also take action to change support payments when they are too much or not enough.

Temporary Orders

While your divorce is in procedure, you may likely need temporary orders to dictate temporary child custody, child support and allowance.


After your divorce is confirmed, the attorney can help you bring or defend against a modification request for child custody, child support and alimony.

Paternity Actions

The Skilled Attorney will provide representation to unmarried mothers, fathers and fathers in question to help address matters in paternity, child custody and child support.

Child Protective Services

Our perspective on the law and our understanding of families help us achieve the best likely results in matters relating to child welfare. We help parents fight false allegations and protect the best interests of their children.

Termination of Parental Rights

Whether you seek to bring or defend against a voluntary, involuntary or challenged petition for termination of parental rights, Arlington Family Law Attorney is equipped to help.


We provide legal services for a range of adoption problems, including county, private and agency adoptions.

Wills and Estates

We draft and analyze wills and trusts for clients throughout Texas. We also help in matters of probate administration and litigation as well as guardianship.

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