What is a webpage | How to create a webpage

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I told you in the previous article how to design a website. To build a website, what things are required. To design a website it is very important to have web page information. What we are watching, and studying. That is called the webpage.
Today we will know how the web page is used. How to create a web page.

What is a webpage?
The website consists of a group of webpages. Any number of webpages you can create. A lot of data can be available on the web page. A web page is a type of document, usually written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). And even today this language is used the most. Which is a document connected to the Internet? A page that is available on the Internet. Everyone uses a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google, Yahoo, Chrome, etc. Can see with the help of When we do some search on the internet, we get a lot of website results show. The page we are reading now is also an example of a web page. #Web_design_Delhi

How to create a webpage
If you want to create a web page, designing a webpage is very easy. A web page is a simple HTML Document. Which is created with the help of HTML and CSS, knowledge of HTML, CSS is required to create a web page. HTML, CSS language is very easy to learn. And it is necessary to have some technical knowledge as well because we create a webpage with the help of our computer and notepad. A Text Editor is required to design a webpage and a Browser. To get more information, you can also take help of Youtube to learn practical web pages. In Youtube, it is clearly shown how to do what.

Types of webpage
There are two types of webpages.
1. Static Webpage  2. Dynamic Webpage
Static Webpage –
The staticaticatic web page is also known as a flat page. It is a simple HTML Document. It is the store on the webserver. One can compare Static Webpage to Newspaper and Magazine Article. Which users can only read this information, the user cannot make any modification in it, only the Webmaster can change it. The static web page is created only when we do not have to do any Changement in it.
Dynamic Webpage –
Dynamic Webpage is exactly the opposite of Static Webpage. Dynamic pages contain content that can change each time it is accessed. It is called Dynamic web page. The scripting language is used to create Dynamic Webpages, collectively named DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language).

Content must be unique to rank a blog. Remember, copy paste is not used in blogs. The link you get after posting a blog. Update it on the social media site. Such as – Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Linkedin, etc. Join more Facebook groups, and update your blog in the group.

Friends, I have shared information about the web page with you in this post. What is a webpage? Types of webpages, how a webpage is created, and I also told which language is needed to make a webpage. I hope you liked this post very much. If you like this post, then do share it with your friends and at the same time tell me how helpful this post proved to be for you.

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