Wonders of Science

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In this article, we discuss ten grand wonders of science, to make your mind wheel and emotions swell. Scientific wonders about the world present meaning in the same way that grand anecdotes and theological cosmologies have traditionally offered a big-picture idea of how the universe came to be, our connection to what exists. Below, given in a box, we have listed ten mind-boggling wonders of science.

Amazing Scientific Facts

●The number of stars in the universe is more than the words ever uttered by all the humans who ever lived.

●We did not come into existence from outside the world, we grew out of it. Seen this way, science can help us feel connected to the world. As Elizabeth Johnson once wrote, “Out of the Big Bang, the stars; out of the stardust, the Earth; out of the Earth, single-celled living creatures; out of evolutionary life and death of these creatures, human beings with consciousness and freedom.

●Have you wondered about the depth of the ocean? The ocean is 12,080.7 feet (3,682.2 meters) deep, on an average. This is equivalent to 8 times the empire state building.

●Someone who weighs 68 kgs on Earth would weigh 11 kgs on the Moon because the Moon’s gravity is a sixth of what it is on Earth.

●A human organ has been hiding in plain sight all this while. It is called the mesentery. It performs important functions ranging from helping the heart to aiding the immune system.

●It takes up to 40,000 years for a photon to travel from the core of the sun to its surface, but only a mere 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to Earth.

●The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth stretching up to 2000 kilometres.

●An average person walks the equivalent of five times around the Earth, in his entire lifetime.

●One cannot taste food without saliva.

●Do you know what 20/20 vision means? It just means that your vision is normal. For vision less than this, corrective lenses are used to restore the vision back to normal.The lens in optics is a piece of glass or other transparent substance that is used to form an image of an object by focusing rays of light from the object.

Science is a way of determining what’s in nature and how those things work today, how they worked in the past, and how they are likely to work in the future. Scientists are driven by the excitement of exploring or figuring out something that no one has before.

With a plethora of resources present online, it is easier than ever to educate yourself about various science concepts such as transverse waves and longitudinal waves, potential energy and much more. This way, you can also have a glimpse of how technology is changing the way students learn.

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