Get Authentic, American Made WW2 Navy Uniforms from At The Front
Whether you are in the business of reenacting or are building a collection of period-accurate and authentic clothing and equipment, finding a good deal that meets the criteria of accuracy and authenticity is rare. Luckily, today is the day you find At The Front, where you will find an awesome array of accurate and authentic period clothes and gear. Quality and authenticity are the very cornerstones of At The Front, which manufactures most of its clothing and equipment in house and uses period original pieces for reference. When it comes to accuracy and quality, At The Front has the game locked down. If you’re looking for WW2 Navy Uniforms, At The Front has you covered.
When you come to At The Front for WW2 Navy uniforms you will be able to put together a reproduction ensemble piecemeal or take advantage of a package deal. Their combination a Dixie Cup Cap, Chambray Shirt, Dungarees and a Trouser Belt with a buckle, which can also each be bought independently along with some other fixtures of the navy uniform. From At The Front, you can also find a Navy Watch Cap and First Model and N1 Deck Jackets, all true to the originals in form and function.
As true as possible to the originals, the Navy Dungaree Trousers that make up the WW2 Navy uniforms at At The Front are based on mint condition wartime originals that the manufacturers at At The Front use for reference. The sizing construction matches the originals nearly perfectly, even eliminating the seams at the sides of the legs as in the originals. Even the fabric has been matched as closely as possible. You’ll need a belt and buckle to go with these trousers, and At The Front offers white and black reproductions to suit.
Their Chambray Shirts offered by At The Front are also based on a set of wartime originals referenced by their craftsmen, and though the cut and features of the originals varied mildly, the reproduction Chambray Shirts are as close to the originals as can be done accounting for such variation.
Topping of the WW2 Navy uniforms offered by At The Front is their Dixie Cup Cap, which is also perhaps the most conspicuous component of the uniform. At The Front’s caps are identical in aspect and measurement, varying only slightly in the weight of the fabric.
In addition to these traditional components of the uniform, you’ll also find extended features of the uniform like deck jackets. At The Front’s First Model Navy Deck Jacket, which, like the vast majority of their other reproductions is based directly on originals they have on hand. Their First Model Deck Jacket varies slightly from the original in manufacture with a few modern substitutions that lowered price while raising quality, interestingly enough. There are a few other alterations like the inclusion of an internal pocket for the stowing of personal effects. That being the case their First Model Deck Jacket is at a glance indistinguishable from the originals and an excellent complement to the rest of their WW2 Navy uniforms.
In addition to these uniform essentials, you’ll have access to Watch Caps and other models of deck jackets from At The Front along with a full line of other American and German WW2 reproductions. Nearly universally built directly upon reference to originals that At The Front has on hand and unequivocally manufactured to the highest standards, the reproductions at At The Front are museum quality and will serve your collections or reenactments well. If you need authentic reproduction gear, At The Front is your clear choice, so head to today.
For more information about Jackboots and WW2 German Helmets Please visit : Atthefront.
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