5 Reasons You Need to Visit an Eye Specialist

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The increase in screen time, low nutrition, excessive stress all lead to multiple eye problems for which you need to visit the eye specialist. Visiting the local eye doctor may actually mean that you may save your vision by some measures. From a young age, children are susceptible to eye problems and should be mandatorily taken to the optometrist at least once a year.

What Can Be The Issues You Face With Your Eyes?

There are many times that we neglect our eyes, but they are indeed the window to your soul. The eye can tell the eye specialist a lot about your general health.

1. An eye exam is more than just seeing well. Underlying medical conditions can be diagnosed with an eye check-up with a qualified eye specialist. High blood pressure, hormonal issues, cholesterol, and circulatory issues can be detected and treated in the early stages, thanks to eye exams. These can show up in the tiny blood vessels in the eye and indicate that you need a thorough physical check-up.

2. Neurological issues like a stroke or an aneurysm can be detected when pupils do not dilate properly, or there is blurred vision. The optic nerve is directly connected with the brain, and any neurological issues are first detected in the eye if you visit the specialist regularly.

3. Vision issues can be sorted in the initial stages when you are careful about screening the eye regularly. Many eye problems have no symptoms in the initial stages, and you may reach a stage of no return by the time symptoms appear. Glaucoma and retinal degeneration, retinal neuropathy, and some other issues are often treatable and kept controlled to save maximum vision. Using screens like the computer or laptop can give rise to dry eyes. This can be the precursor to many problems with vision. The eye specialist can diagnose the problem and prescribe supplements and lubricants to make the problem go away.

4. As you grow older, vision changes its nature. There are changes in the eye structure. Nutrition plays a vital role in the nurturing of eyes at any age, but your needs change in older age, as you require more significant amounts of Omega 3 and zinc along with micro-nutrients. These are not always found in food, and you may require supplements, especially if you are vegetarian. The eye specialist can advise you on the right foods to incorporate in your diet and any supplements that you need to take. Older people are also more susceptible to cataracts. They might need surgery to correct the issue and normalize vision. 

5. Many very young children may have congenital eye problems that need expert care. Children under six months of age can also have issues that need to be treated to give them a life free of vision problems. They could be suffering from congenital cataracts, lazy eye, or even retinal issues. The issues are more marked if the baby is premature.

A stitch in time saves nine. Visits to the eye specialist can save you a lot of problems with vision throughout your life. It is a good idea to schedule regular visits to keep trouble at bay.

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