Lasik Laser Eye Surgery – Pros and Cons

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Lasik laser eye surgery is not purely cosmetic. It does enhance your looks by getting rid of ugly and thick glasses but are also crucial to eye care in some issues. If you have acute myopia that cannot be contained or have been burdened with astigmatism, the surgery will provide relief to you. Lasik aims to reshape the cornea of the eye to enable the light rays to enter the eye and focus on the retina without contact lenses or spectacles. You can be in and out of the clinic in a couple of hours, and vision is often stable in a mere twenty-four hours.

The Pros of Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

There are many pros to Lasik laser eye surgery if you choose the best doctor to perform it. The outcome depends heavily on whether the laser machine is up-to-date, the quality of the clinic infrastructure, and, most importantly, the doctor. The right eye specialist will evaluate your eye condition and guide you to the best Lasik operation. Once you are through with the procedure, the care given to you post-operatively will also impact your outcome. If these things are taken care of, results can be as expected.

  • You should feel no pain during the surgery. You will be given numbing drops to keep you pain-free. You will probably hear a clicking sound as the laser pulses. You might need a sedative if you are apprehensive.
  • Your vision should stabilize within a couple of days. If you had uncontrolled myopia, you might need retouching or further surgery to take care of that.
  • There will be no need to wear spectacles after the surgery. In some cases, very low power is detected, but that is minuscule. The aim of the operation is not a perfect vision but to provide comfort to the patient.
  • You may feel able to go to work the very next day, but a good doctor will advise you to rest for a couple of days.


Cons of Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

There are a few cons of the surgery, especially if you have decided to visit a clinic that has the old infrastructure or under-qualified doctors.

  • You may still have blurry vision after the surgery, which may need further surgery to correct.
  • Some complications, like infection or swelling, may occur. Excellent nursing staff and doctors will be able to guide you on how to resolve it. 
  • You may have night glare or feel a starburst of light, especially at night. You might find relief with anti-glare and reflective glasses.
  • There might be some sensitivity to sunlight or bright lights. Your doctor can prescribe photochromatic glasses to make you comfortable. These glasses acquire a darker tint when exposed to sunlight or harsh glares.

There are both pluses and minuses to Lasik surgery. You will find good outcomes with doctors who are experienced and have upgraded their skills and infrastructure to include newer and more efficient laser equipment after all operations are partially dependent on the doctors who perform them. 

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