5 Tips for Running an Exceptional Medical Practice

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As the owner of a medical practice, there is no doubt that the health of your patients is a top priority. The reality is that the healthcare industry is extremely competitive and in order to keep your doctor’s rooms or clinic afloat, it is vital that you continuously and consistently take action to make improvements. With that in mind, here are some great tips for running an exceptional medical practice that patients can rely on whatever health concerns may come their way. 

Hire a practice manager 

There are countless different aspects to any medical practice, many of which are of an administrational nature and can prove time-consuming. It can, therefore, prove beneficial to hire a practice manager if you, as the lead medical specialist, would like to focus most of your attention on giving your patients the best care. If doing so is not financially possible just yet, be sure to educate yourself on various matters, such as learning how to produce and read reports, make the most of your medical billing software, and more. 

Know how to avoid mishaps 

You might be surprised to discover how common it is for slip-ups to take place, particularly in relation to Medicare and other health insurance programs. In fact, based on data collected by The National Heath Care Anti-Fraud Association, health care fraud costs the United States an estimated $68 billion every year! Protect your reputation and your practice by being cautious to avoid errors and missteps such as self-referrals, upcoding, and unbundling. If ever your practice comes under investigation, make sure that you have a great Medicare fraud lawyer, who is known to implement top Medicare fraud attorney strategies, in your contacts.  

Focus your physicians 

If you have welcomed other doctors and specialists into your practice, it is important for you to ensure that they focus the majority of their time and effort on direct patient care. At least 37 hours per week should be dedicated to communicating with, examining, and diagnosing patients. 

Enhance your scheduling system 

Most people are used to waiting lengthy periods to see a doctor – but it shouldn’t have to be that way. If you work hard to ensure that appointments run like clockwork, attracting and maintaining a solid basis of patience shouldn’t be difficult. Consider investing in software for scheduling or spend money on hiring a highly qualified individual to streamline the process. Don’t forget to make appointment confirmations a part of the job to reduce the risk of no-shows and avoid the waste of resources as a result. 

Make sure your practice is unique 

What is it that makes your practice stand out among your competitors? Why should patients choose to make an appointment with one of your doctors? It is a good idea to identify these factors and to put them to good use regarding your marketing strategy. If there isn’t anything that makes your practice different, now is the time to change that. 

Keep the aforementioned tips in mind and you will be one step closer to securing the long-term success of your practice. Good luck! 

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