9 major components of Citrix XenDesktop 7.6

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Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 is a highly reliable and powerful software using which you can easily implement/set up virtual environments (virtual desktop and applications). In simple words, it is a very powerful and amazing desktop virtualization software. But what makes it so powerful and reliable? The answer is its various component and features. So, today we are going over nine major components of Citrix XenDesktop that make it so powerful and reliable.

Citrix Receiver

It is a software client that is installed on the system of the user for connecting to a virtual machine using a TCP port (80/443). Besides this, it allows you to communicate with the StoreFront that allows you to access the virtual desktop on your system via StoreFront Service API. Additionally, it is compatible with OS like Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. What does this mean? It means that you won’t face any problems while connecting to a virtual desktop or application from various devices. To learn more about Citrix receiver, feel free to join Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Course in Noida.


It is an interface/app that validates the details of users and manages virtual desktops and applications. Once the details of the user are validated the storefront provides information about the available virtual desktops/applications. The user can easily connect to any of the available virtual desktops and applications by just tapping on its icon.

Delivery Controller

It is one of the most important components of XenDesktop. It consists of configurations and settings information of a XenApp or XenDesktop site. Besides this it allows you to manage your resources, virtual desktops, and applications. It also helps you in controlling and managing a load of multiple/various user connections.

Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA)

It is an agent that you install on systems that are powered by Windows Server and Windows Desktop OS for giving access permission of these machines and their resources to various users. Besides this it allows you to use your machine for hosting multiple connections for various users using TCP port 80,443,2598, or 1494.

Broker Service

It allows you to monitor users that are logged in to a virtual desktop and what resources and applications they are currently using. It executes the PowerShell framework and communicates with the Broker agent using TCP port 80.

Broker agent

It is an agent that hosts various plugins and gathers data (real-time data). The Broker agent is present inside the VDA and is connected to the delivery controller (via TCP port 80).

Provisioning Services

Provisioning services is another important component of XenDesktop that allows you to provision/re-provision your desktop using one single disk image in real-time. Additionally, it allows you to implement NetBoot service on virtual machines.


It is a web tool that administrators use for accessing data from the Broker agent and HDX. Besides this, it also allows administrators to access historical data that is present in the site database. Director communicates with the Deliver controller via TCP port 80/443.


HDX is one of the best features of Citrix XenDesktop 7.6.  It is a technology that helps Citrix XenDesktop in providing a great/high-definition user experience to its users over any network and any device. For this, the software uses the ICA protocol and the computing capacity of the user’s machines/devices. To learn more about the HDX feature of Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 enroll yourself in the Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Training in Gurgaon.


These are some of the most important components of Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 that help in delivering a great/high-definition user experience to its users. Overall it is a very powerful and robust desktop virtualization software and can provide a lot of benefits to its users. So, if you are someone that is looking for a highly reliable and beneficial desktop virtualization software for his/her organization then Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 is a perfect fit for you.

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