Decorating a Nursery: A Guide for New Parents

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The first few years of a child’s life are incredible. Never again does a child develop at such a fast pace and have such an innate sense of joy and exploration. The nursery you create for them can be far more than a room for them to sleep in and a place for you to store their toys – it can be a safe space where their imagination is ignited, and their dreams develop. If you have a bouncing bundle of joy on the way, this guide will provide some handy hints and tips to help you create a wonderful nursery for their early years.

Choosing a colour palette

Gone are the days of blue or pink being the only options for a nursery. While it is usually best not to go for bright neon colours and aim for calming tones, the rest is pretty much down to your preference and theme. Some people pick two colours by creating a diagonal line from the bottom left corner up to top right with masking tape and painting the two halves in different colours.

Create a feature wall

If you want to go the extra mile and personalise the nursery, why not get creative with geometric patterns, stencil designs, or spell out their name (if you have already chosen one)? Calming pastel colours work well generally, but a feature wall allows you to inject a splash of colour and personality into the room. You could try adding wall stickers of movie characters, animals, shapes, letters of the alphabet, or numbers 1 to 10 on the wall to support their early learning. Click here for some ideas for a nursery feature wall.

Think about comfort

The nursery should be somewhere you and your child can be comfortable and relaxed so you can make the most of your quality time together. Rather than hard flooring, which can be cold and slippery, cushioned carpet from a London flooring company is ideal. In the first year, you may also find that you are sleeping, breast or bottle-feeding, and reading stories to them in the nursery daily, so a comfortable chair, soft blankets, and cushions to curl up in would be ideal. Using a variety of fabrics and different textures can also be fun for the child in their development.

Maximise storage

It is difficult to comprehend just how much “stuff” a baby needs that you will need to have easy access all the time. You should consider how you will store nappies, cotton wool pads, wipes, etc. in the room without having drawers, which can trap little fingers. Fabric storage boxes or cupboards mounted on the wall (out of a toddler’s reach) can work well.

Install clothing pegs

Dressing a child can be a nightmare, and the last thing you want is to be rifling through drawers or a wardrobe to find garments. A useful tip is to install some pegs out of the child’s reach where you can hang a few clean garments and coordinated outfits so you can grab them easily.

Go for toy shelves rather than a toy box

A toy box is a traditional idea, but it often just leads to a floor full of toys every time you or the child want to find a particular toy that is right at the bottom. Instead, shelves where you can display toys and books mean you can have them in view, but you are in control of which toys the child plays with.

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