Female Viagra pills- Action, warnings, and side effects

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Along with males, even females suffer from impotence. Impotence in females is called female sexual dysfunction. Viagra is prescribed for treating sexual impotence in men, while female Viagra pills are used for treating female impotence. Two forms of Female Viagra pills are available in the market-Lovegra and Ladygra. These are pink-colored diamond-shaped oral pills.

Females suffering from female sexual dysfunction experience pain while having sexual intercourse, they also have arousal issues, and problem achieving orgasm. Causes for developing female impotence can be categorized as physical or psychological. About 40% of women suffer symptoms of female sexual dysfunction at some point in their life. Female Viagra pills are an effective remedy for impotence.

Two forms of female Viagra pills are -Ladygra and Lovegra are available for sale in the market. They are a female generic version of Viagra. They contain 100mg Sildenafil citrate and are available as pink-colored, diamond-shaped tablets. Sildenafil citrate is the first oral drug approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men.

Mechanism of action

Female Viagra pills increase the sensitivity of female reproductive organs by enhancing the blood flow to these organs. The blood supply is improved by inhibiting the degradation of cGMP. cGMP functions to produce relaxation of smooth muscles and dilation of the blood vessels. The dilated blood vessels supply more blood flow to female genitals, which enables women to enjoy sexual intercourse. The action of Female Viagra pills is witnessed within 30 to 60 minutes post oral consumption, its action lasts for a period of four hours. The action of this medicine can vary from individual to individual.


Female Viagra pills should be taken only on demand. It should be taken at least 30 minutes before engaging in sexual activity. These pills are to be taken with water. Do not crush, chew or cut these pills. Swallow it as a whole.

Females under 18 years of age should not consume Female Viagra pills. These pills are contraindicated for use in pregnant ladies and breastfeeding mothers. Female Viagra pills are to be taken only by women suffering from female sexual dysfunction. Do not use these pills for recreational purposes. Do not consume more than one Female Viagra pill in a period of 24 hours.

Avoid taking Female Viagra pills and medicine such as nitrates, medicines used to treat angina and the blood pressure lowing medicines together. Taking these medicines together can produce a severe drop in blood pressure.

Avoid consuming alcohol, meals rich in fat content and grapefruit along with these pink-colored pills. Also, if you are allergic to any of its active or inactive components, do not take these pills. Also, avoid involving in any activity requiring mental alertness as you are more likely to feel drowsy after consuming these pills.

This medication is also not recommended for use in pregnant ladies and breastfeeding mothers. This medication should only be taken after consulting a physician.

Side effects

This medication does not produce side effects normally. However, you experience certain side effects such as headache, nausea, abdominal discomfort, and flushing. These are common side effects of Female Viagra pills and they are only observed until the drug is present in the body. Rarely, any serious side effect is observed with this medication.

The information about action mechanism, warnings, and side effects will result in better usage of Female Viagra pills.

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