How Gong Cha Became So Popular

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Bubble tea brands are everywhere! And despite the massive competition in the bubble tea industry, Gong Cha bubble tea stores in New York and all over the world are popularly known with long queues and sales improving by the day. But how did Gong Cha bubble tea store become so popular?


Is there any distinctive flavor in the drink that keeps customers coming back? How is Gong Cha able to serve their pool of customers every day? What have they done right? Finally, we will spill out the secret behind the immense success of Gong Cha in the bubble tea market.


Of course, social media!


Gong Cha created a trend with its aesthetic drinks that inspired customers to show off their bubble tea drinks on different social media, which became viral and gained huge attention. The look and taste of the boba tea have turned out to be a social trend that everyone craves to participate in. Unlike various trends that came and vanished in thin air, the bubble tea trend may not lose its popularity soon.


Gong cha has its special TEA


The company has its unique differentiating factor, ranging from new flavors to new drinks, and even their unique aesthetics. For example, a Gong Cha’s bubble tea in Boston comes in creative flavors like the:


Taro bubble milk tea

Mango green tea

Lemon Tea


They also feature different varieties of toppings, including the popping jelly, cheese, egg pudding, and lots more. By utilizing the decent trend of food enthusiasts, who regularly take pictures of their meals to post on social media, Going Cha has thought outside of the box and came up with unique strategies to stand out.


One of the ways is not just only from their products itself but also their cup. Gong Cha is famous for visually aesthetic design, ranging from its beautiful cups to how their drinks are served in light bulbs.


Customer Loyalty increases repeat customers


Why do you think people always come back to order for more cups of boba? Of course, the taste of boba tea may be boring sometimes! Well, Gong Cha is popular for its various customer loyalty programs.


It starts anywhere from a simple stamp card, where customers get a stamp for every purchased drink, which lets them redeem a drink after they acquire a certain number of stamps. Isn’t that great? This loyalty program encourages customers to spend more since they will hope to get more reward.


Furthermore, customers feel entitled, which boosts their self-esteem and makes them feel like an essential customer of Gong Cha. Gong Cha takes advantage of the loyalty programs to acquire customer data, enticing them to check back with different promotions that are tailored to their needs.


Loyal customers usually recommend Gong Cha’s bubble tea to their family and friends. Some even became brand ambassadors for Gong Cha on social media. That way Gong Cha has been able to generate traffic from word of mouth and publicity.


About the Author:


Rosario Berry is a professional freelance writer, like to introduce Gong Cha Franchise. Its innovative and they periodically add new Bubble Tea Flavors to their menu, which gives their customers even a wider selection to choose from.

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