What Do You Mean By The Term Front End And Back End VLSI Design?

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As you know what is VLSI and what is the scope of VLSI in engineering. Let me now tell you what VLSI front end is and what VLSI back end is. Apart from these there are many questions that may come in the mind of an engineer. There are many online training institutes in Bangalore for VLSI design. 

These are the various stages involved in VLSI designing. Let’s discuss each step one by one. 


  • Specifications: It is actually the first step in design process where the important parameters of the system are defined. 
  • High level design: In the second stage of VLSI designing the details of the designing are defined. 
  • Low level design: This stage is very crucial and is also known as microarchitecture phase. The design details about each phase are also designed. It includes modules, state machines, counters etc. 
  • RTL coding: In RTL coding, the micro designed is modelled in a hardware description language like Verilog/VHDL, using synthesizable constructs. 
  • Functional verification: It is basically a process of verifying the functional characteristics of the design by generating different stimulus. 
  • Logic synthesis: It is the process in which a particular synthesis tool designs such as tool like design compiler takes in the RTL, target technology, and constraints as inputs and maps the RTL to target technology primitives.
  • Placement and Routing: In this stage, gate level net list is taken and imported into place and route tool in the Verilog netlist format. 
  • Gate level simulation: Now that you know what is placement and routing. You must be wondering what is gate level simulation? Then let me tell you, Gate-level netlist from the synthesis tool is first taken and imported into a particular place and route tool in the Verilog netlist format. All the gates and flip-flops are placed, Clock tree synthesis and reset is routed. After this each block is routed, output of the P&R tool is a GDS file, which is used by a foundry for fabricating the ASIC
  • Fabrication: As soon as the gate level simulations verify the functional correctness of the gate level design after the Placement and Routing phase.  Then the design gets ready for manufacturing.
  • Post silicon validation:  And as soon as the chip is back from fabrication. These things need to be put in a real taste environment and will test before being used widely in the market. 


These stages are actually divided into two halves. The first half is known as Front end of VLSI design while the other half is called Back end VLSI design. 

Front end VLSI design:   All of these stages that are from Specification to Functional Verification are generally considered as part of Front end and engineers working on any of these are Front end VLSI design engineers.

Back end VLSI design:  All stages from Logic Synthesis up to Fabrication are called as back end and engineers working on any of these are considered as Back end VLSI design engineers.

There are various VLSI companies in Bangalore for internship. VLSIinternship in Bangalore is also very popular. You can search for best training institutes in Bangalore for VLSI. 

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