Why online teaching is the best way of teaching in 2020?

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Nowadays, many of the teachers are running their online classes on different platforms to help the students to get extra knowledge. But as we are talking about 2020, we all know that our world is facing the worst face of their lives due to COVID-19. In this critical situation, online teaching is the only and the best way to take regular classes of the students. It is because the entire educational institutes are shuttled down.

What is online teaching?

In simple words, online classes refer to video conferencing coaching. By using different platforms, the teacher can teach their students without sitting in the classroom. One will have to select a particular time and tell the entire student to be on the video conferencing classes at the same time. So it becomes more feasible for both teachers and students to complete their pending syllabus.

Benefits of online classes:

There are lots of benefits of online teaching, but because of COVID-19, it is getting more critical. The significant advantages of online classes are given below.

a). The flexibility of time:

The online platforms to teach students have increased the flexibility of time. One can choose a particular time or particular days as per their comfort to take classes. There are no restrictions that you have to be in this accurate time.

b). Location:

When you are taking classes through video conferencing, you do not have to sit in a particular place during the session. Wherever in your home or wherever in the world, you can teach your students.

c). Share information:

Online coaching has gained a lot of popularity because it is one of the best ways to share educational information. Not only for teacher but it also helps the student to get extra knowledge on a particular topic without worrying about their geographic location.

d). Resources:

One will not have to create their platform for this purpose. It is because there are so many resources already available on the internet to teach online, including zoom calls, youtube, social media platforms, and many more.

e). Gift for disables:

We can consider online classes resources as the god gift for the people who are not able to attend a face to face classes. This term targets both the teacher and the students. The disabled student can continue their classes without going anywhere. On the other hand, the teachers who are not able to attend schools or colleges to teach they can use these platforms as the best resource of sharing information on their earnings as well.

f). Poor students:

The teachers who are providing online classes on various platforms for a particular subject are beneficial for the student who doesn’t afford to attend a face to face coaching. All over the countries, there are lots of students who have to do some jobs for their livings, but they don’t want to quit their education. Online classes are helping them to complete their studies whenever they get free time.

g). Social distancing:

We all know social distancing is the way to keep ourselves safe from COVID-19. On the other hand, the study is also essential and can’t be ignored whatever the situation is.  Therefore online classes are the best way to avoid social gatherings and complete syllabus as well.


The world is getting more digitalized, the essential tasks are becoming more feasible. On the other hand, people are finding lots of ways to earn money. Online teaching suits to these words. As it made the education system more convenient and brought the best resource of the income for the teachers.

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