Things to Know About Rectangular Swimming Pool Maintenance

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A rectangular swimming pool is a great addition to any home. They are classic in design and shape and can provide hours of fun and relaxation for the whole family. However, like all swimming pools, they require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best and functioning properly. 


When it comes to swimming pools, rectangular pools are some of the most popular. They’re classic, elegant, and can be customized to fit any backyard. But like any pool, they require regular maintenance to keep them looking their best. Here are six things to know about rectangular swimming pool maintenance:


1. Skimming is a must.


One of the most important things you can do to maintain your rectangular pool is to skim the surface regularly. This helps to remove leaves, bugs, and other debris that can accumulate in the pool. Skimming also helps to prevent the build-up of algae and other harmful bacteria.


2. Vacuuming is also important.


In addition to skimming, you should also vacuum your inground rectangular swimming pool on a regular basis. This helps to remove any dirt or debris that has sunk to the bottom of the pool. Vacuuming also helps to circulate the water, which is important for keeping the water clean and clear.


3. Brush the walls and floor.


Brushing the walls and floor of your pool is also important for maintaining the cleanliness of the water. This helps to loosen any dirt or debris that has become stuck to the surfaces of the pool. It’s also important to brush in between the tiles to prevent the build-up of algae or other bacteria.


4. Check the filters.


Your fiberglass pool’s filters are responsible for keeping the water clean and clear. That’s why it’s important to check them on a regular basis and clean or replace them as needed. Depending on your filter type, you may need to clean or replace it more or less often.


5. Test the water.


It’s also important to test the water on a regular basis to ensure that the pH levels are balanced. This can be done with a simple test kit that you can purchase at your local pool supply store.


6. Hire a professional.


If you don’t have the time or the inclination to do all of the above, you can always hire a professional to take care of your pool. This is a great option if you want to be sure that your pool is being properly maintained.




A rectangular swimming pool is a great addition to any home. However, like any other type of pool, it requires some maintenance in order to keep it looking its best.


One of the most important things to do is clean the water. This means regularly testing the pH and chlorine levels and ensuring that the filtration system is working properly. It’s also important to vacuum the pool and brush the walls and floor to remove any dirt or debris.

Another important part of oval pool maintenance is keeping the deck and surrounding area clean. This means sweeping and removing any leaves or other debris. It’s also important to check the deck for any cracks or damage and repair any found.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your rectangular swimming pool looking great all season long!


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