Why use online calculators for retirement and kid‘s marriage

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If there are two things we should save for during our working years, they are for our retirement and the expenses for our child‘s marriage. But unfortunately caught in the midst of so many things and spending, these are two things which invariably get missed out. Only when the time of our child‘s marriage and our retirement come that we realize that we are ill-prepared for meeting the expenses.

It is often said that one should start saving for retirement right from the day one starts working. In the same vein, one should start saving for the child‘s marriage right from the age your kid turns 4 or 5 years. But the big question is how one will know how much he should save every month for both retirement and child‘s marriage. This is where the online retirement fund calculator and marriage budget calculator come into picture.

Many of the Mutual fund companies, financial services advisory companies and financial organizations have their own versions of Online retirement fund calculator and marriage budget calculator.

It is suggested to use Online retirement fund calculator and marriage budget calculator of reputed financial organizations to find out the monthly savings required for both your child‘s marriage and your retirement.

The Online retirement fund calculator helps one to find out the amount to be saved and invested monthly or yearly to get a desired corpus on retirement, which will further help you lead a secure and good quality retired life. The marriage budget calculator, on the other hand, helps one to find out the amount to be saved and invested monthly or yearly so as to meet the expenses of your kid‘s marriage down the lane.

Both the online retirement fund calculator and marriage budget calculator calculate the amount to be saved and invested based on approximate 15 to 18% returns, if invested in Mutual funds regularly. One can safely assume that the returns will be more than this, as the returns from the top Mutual fund houses over the last many years have been over and above this.

Now comes the big question. Why should one save and invest regularly or systematically? The answer lies in the compounding power of invested money.

Assuming 18% returns per annum, Rs. 1,000 invested monthly over 30 years will give you a corpus of approximate Rs. 94.91 lacs. However, the same amount invested monthly over 20 years will only give you a corpus of approximate Rs. 17.59 lacs. Seems interesting?

Log on to the website of any leading financial institution, use Online retirement fund calculator and marriage budget calculator, save and invest regularly, and get ready to face the autumn years of your life and marriage expenses of your kids with ease.

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