Kamagra Helps You Achieve and Sustain Harder Erection

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Sexual intimacy is an integral part of a couple’s relationship, as it is expressed in the form of sexual activity to understand the deepest feelings of each other. Any kind of impediment while doing so may lead to disharmony in the relationship. One such common hindrance during sexual activity is Erectile Dysfunction (ED), a sexual disorder in which a man loses his potential to attain an erection. However, ED is treatable with the help of Kamagra, a perfect medicine to enjoy intimacy with the partner.

The prevalent rate of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is on the higher side as compared to previous years. Millions of men are contracting this sexual disorder, probably due to unhealthy lifestyle choices and other factors. Older men often suffer from ED, but younger men getting this sexual disorder is a concerning factor. Keeping the prevalent rate of ED in mind, many pharmaceutical corporations have come up with various medications and supplements, and Kamagra is one of them.

Kamagra is a generic derivative of Viagra, both of them are actively composed of Sildenafil Citrate; therefore, there is no dissimilarity between them, except the price. Kamagra is pretty cheaper than Viagra and is easily available at online drug stores. Men can opt for this generic medicine to enjoy sexual intimacy with their wives. The active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); therefore, Kamagra is safe in use, but prior consultation with the medical advisor is essential.

How Kamagra helps ED men?

Pathologically, in ED, the blood supply to the penile organ is significantly interrupted, because of which the erectile tissues are not filled with enough blood for an erection. Kamagra, which contains Sildenafil Citrate, reverses this pathological condition by making the blood reach erectile tissues efficiently. This generic medicine does this efficiently by decreasing the action of an enzyme called PDE5. Upon inhibition of PDE5, the natural chemicals called Nitric Oxide (NO) and cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGMP) are drastically augmented. This pharmacological action increases the blood flow in the penile organ so that a man can enjoy his intimacy with his partner.

The dose of 100 mg Kamagra is quite sufficient to stimulate the organ and promote the erection process. The pill must be taken approximately one hour before indulging in sexual activity so that the drug gets enough time to show its effect. Alcohol, grapefruits and fatty meals are not allowed during dosage, because they are meant to hamper the drug assimilation process. To avert overdose and its complications, one should keep a gap of a day between two doses.

Precautionary measures to be taken

  • Inform the healthcare professional before using this anti-impotent drug
  • Avoid if you are a known case of Sildenafil Citrate allergy
  • Abstain from using this generic medicine, if you are under Nitrates therapy
  • Do not perform any risky activities (driving, riding, etc.) after taking the dose, as mild dizziness is expected
  • Get in touch with a doctor in case of chest pain, breathlessness and skin rashes
  • Keep this ED drug away from women and children

How to acquire Kamagra?

It is really simple to get this anti-impotent medicine, especially through online medical stores. It is quite easy, just go through a reliable web pharmacy, order Online Kamagra and get it right at your doorstep within a stipulated duration, but before that get the approval from the medical practitioner. Also, an online medical store will provide you this amazing generic medicine at a very cheaper rate than its branded counterpart.

If you are an ED victim, do not suppress your disease, use Kamagra and enjoy your intimate life with your partner. Just make sure you have a word with the doctor.

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