Best Tools For Event Planners For Management And Presentation

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Best Tools For Event Planners For Management 

When you return from any great and happening event which have many different activities and has a tremendous positive impact on our mind, you must have thought that how is it possible to manage such a big event correctly? 

The answer to this question is- event management tools. There are event managers who coordinate everything from the backstage with just a few clicks. The event management tools help to coordinate different team members and assign them their particular tasks. These tools play a significant role in the success of any big event.

In recent time social media has a significant influence on the events. You can display live Twitter feeds on the wall and it helps to increase engagement at the event. According to the reported event, management tools help to increase participation by 20% and increases productivity by 27%. 

So in this article, we are going to discuss some of the best tools for the event available in the market. 

Best Event Planning Tools 

1 Taggbox 

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Taggbox is a social media content aggregator and is the perfect choice for the digital screen at the event. It can aggregate and display the real-time feeds of the attendees of the event at the social wall installed at the event. Taggbox can aggregate the user-generated content on social media through hashtags, mentions, keywords, etc.

You can create a specific hashtag for your event or business and can easily curate and manage the content and display it on the big screen. People will share their experience with the event on different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Hence it will increase your social reach. 

Taggbox has some cool features like analytics, customization, curation, full-screen announcement, etc. It is one of the best tools to engage the audience at the event. This is one of the best tools for the event. The pricing plans of Taggbox is flexible and cost-effective. The best about Taggbox is it comes with 14 days free trial.  

2 Rescue Time 

tools for event

Rescue Time is another simple and easy to use tools for the event available in the market. It helps you to understand your daily activities so that you can focus on your work and can be more productive. You can optimize your work through the data-tracking system.  

Rescue Time for the organization helps your team to understand their time and how they can manage it to become more productive. It comes with three pricing plans- Free, Premium, and Orgs. You can select according to your need. 

3 Trello

tools for event

Trello is simple and easy to use tool that allows you to manage and coordinate your team during an event.  It is an event management software. You can create a board for your team members and can assign tasks to them, and you can get the real time-updates through different labels.

Trello boards allow you to organize and portrays the tasks in a fun way. It comes with three pricing plan- Free, Business Class, and Enterprise. You can choose the best for you, according to your need.  

4 Social Tables 

tools for event

Social Tables the great tool for the seating arrangement, room layout design, and attendance tracking. It’s an excellent tool for a small/mid-size event like parties and weddings. Event planners can plan the event in a more detailed and proper way. 

It allows you to collaborate with the other service providers. If you are looking for a tool to manage mid-sized gathering, then the social table is a good option. This is one of the best event planning tools. The pricing plans are also budget-friendly and flexible. 

5 Eventbrite 

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Eventbrite is an all in one event planner tool. It’s an easy to use tool that makes the event simple, coordinated and hassle-free. It allows to you invite people to your event and reaches a larger group of audience through various promotional tools. Eventbrite also makes the ticketing easy. You can quickly scan the tickets and adequately manage the event. 

Eventbrite allows you to plan different events and sell tickets for the event. It keeps the data of all the events help all around the world, and you can easily see them on the Eventbrite. It’s an all in one tool through which you can manage everything of an event.

6 Everwall 

tools for event

Everwall is another social media content aggregation tool that curates the data from the social media platforms and allows you to display it on a big screen. It helps you engage the attendees at an event and rich their experience. 

Everwall allows you to customize the wall through 12 different layouts. You can easily customize it with logos, images, colour, and fonts to enrich the user experience. You can filter the posts through hashtags and keywords. This is another cool tool for the event.

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